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Discover Your Potential

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 Life is too short not to live the life that you were destined for

We specialize in guiding men who are either in a troubled relationship, going through a divorce, or already divorced. We are a value based coaching company looking to help guide you to not only live your best life, but to help you make happier and healthier relationships along the way. 

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Oak Value Cards can uncover your core values!

Introducing our Oak Value Cards - a powerful tool to help you discover and define your personal values. With our easy-to-use cards, you can explore and identify what truly matters to you, and use this knowledge to make better decisions in all areas of your life. Purchase your set today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Meet the Northman Coaching Team

At Northman Coaching, we firmly believe in the importance of not just living your best life, but also maintaining healthy relationships with future partners, your children, and their mothers. Our goal is to help you demonstrate to your loved ones that adhering to your values can empower you to be the free, calm, and confident man you are meant to be.

We are committed to helping others find their purpose, just as we have found ours. If you're serious about wanting to learn and understand your values, and explore ways to integrate them into your life, we encourage you to reach out to us at Northman Coaching.

About  Gary

My journey into this profession began following my separation and eventual divorce from my daughter's mother. This pivotal period forced me to reassess my values and redefine my life's meaning. Now, I embrace each day fully and am driven by a mission to demonstrate to other men that there is hope and renewal after divorce or any significant heartbreak.

I am committed to helping others discover their purpose as I have found mine. Witnessing people struggle as I once did motivates me to guide them along the path I've walked. My hope is that they, too, will choose to follow this route toward healing and self-discovery.


About  Robert

After being separated and eventually divorced, which can only be described as going through the depths of hell. In the end, I wound up having to make a choice. Where do I go now?

I chose the path that leads to being a better man and father to my daughter. That path was learning what it meant to be a great man. Everyday I had to be intentional and work on being the man I wanted to be tomorrow. After a while, I discovered that I needed to have strong values, and learn how to use those values to create a life meaningful to me. Realizing and seeing that I am and becoming a valuable great man, who is a devout Christian, a supporting friend, loving man, and proud father. I am content with my life. Everyday knowing what love is, I enjoy this work. I am dedicated to continue the journey.

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